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Site Map | Citpa
Citpa |CITPA in cooperation with the paper board supply FEFCO, CEPI, Cepi ContainerBoard and other associations developed the new Food Contact Guidelines.
Links citpa | CitpaAPIGRAF - Associa o Portuguesa das Ind strias Gr ficas, de Comunica o Visual e Transformadoras do Papel
About CITPA | CitpaCITPA is the International Confederation of Paper and Board Converters in Europe. It was established in 1961 to represent the interests of the European Paper and Board converting industry and to promote the value of pape
Associated Members | Citpaavenue Louise 250 1050 Brussels Belgium P +32 2 640 49 55
Branch Members | CitpaGrosse Fiedberger Strasse 44-46 60313 Frankfurt am Main Germany +49 69 29 72 49 43
Governance | CitpaCITPA General Assembly is composed of all its members.
Members | CitpaECTA (European Core and Tubes Association)
Misson scope | CitpaCITPA represents the interests of the paper and board converting industry in front of the European Institutions. European legislation and policies are of growing importance for the paper and board converting industry.
National Members | CitpaFachverband PROPAK Bruckner Strasse 8 1041 Wien AUSTRIA +43-1-505 53 82-13
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