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Found 58 results for the keyword excitatory. Time 0.006 seconds.
Human Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: From Spines to Spikes via Models - PWe present detailed models of pyramidal cells from human neocortex, including models on their excitatory synapses, dendritic spines, dendritic NMDA- and somatic/axonal i Na /i sup + /sup spikes that provided new insig
Systematic regulation of spine sizes and densities in pyramidal neuronDendritic spines receive most excitatory inputs in the CNS. Recent evidence has demonstrated that the spine head volume is linearly correlated with the readily releasable pool of neurotransmitter and the PSD size. These
Cannabinoid - WikipediaThe classical cannabinoids are concentrated in a viscous resin produced in structures known as glandular trichomes. At least 113 different cannabinoids have been isolated from the Cannabis plant. 6
The Human Protein AtlasThe atlas for all human proteins in cells and tissues using various omics: antibody-based imaging, transcriptomics, MS-based proteomics, and systems biology. Sections include the Tissue, Brain, Single Cell Type, Tissue C
Brain Activity Underlying Muscle Rest - AI Knowledge
Workouts Cleachta - AI Knowledge
ADVERTISE HYPERACTIVE | ACUPUNCTURE-HERBALAdvertising Hyperactive Behaviour Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure, Advertise Hyperactive Behaviour Alternative Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure, Hyperactive Behaviour Alternative Acupuncture Herbal M
Speak Yes To These 5 Medication For Autism And ADHD Tips - Love's Stor
Adderall - WikipediaAdderall is one of several formulations of pharmaceutical amphetamine, including singular or mixed enantiomers and as an enantiomer prodrug. The table below compares these medications (based on U.S.-approved forms):
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