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Escondida is a copper mine in the Atacama Desert in Antofagasta Region, Chile. The Escondida deposit is one of a cluster of porphyry coppers in an elongated area about 18Â km north-south and 3Â km east-westYacimientos Metaliferous de Chile, Ruiz Fuller & Peebles, Santiago 1988 and is associated with the 600Â km long West Fissure (Falla Oeste) system, which is in turn associated with most of the major Chilean porphyry deposits. -- Wikipedia Sayulita Riviera Nayarit - Sayulita.comHot sand beaches, warm ocean water, surf breaks, street food, yoga, street entertainers, spas, street bars, tattoo artists, beach restaurants and shops everywhere in the midst of a natur
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uan 10:22-30 Seguridad Eterna del CristianoLa vida entregada a creyentes en Jesucristo es eterna, y los que la reciben nunca perecerá jamás. Las ovejas están eternamente seguras en las manos del Buen Pastor. La salvación del cristiano es el cien por ciento la obr
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