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Found 141 results for the keyword entomology. Time 0.007 seconds.
The Washington Institute of Dendrology ResearchUnderstanding and controlling forest tree diseases through pathology research and entomology research.
Entomological Society of America | Entomological Society of AmericaThe Entomological Society of America was founded in 1889 and today has nearly 7,000 members, including educators, extension personnel, consultants, students, researchers, and scientists from agricultural departments, hea
Termite - WikipediaExternal phylogeny showing relationship of termites with other insect groups: 48
Pest control - WikipediaFor example: mosquitoes are often controlled by putting Bt Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis, a bacterium that infects and kills mosquito larvae, in local water sources. 14
Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) - The gateway to entomologyThe Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) is one of the UK's leading organisations for people interested in insects. Our members include novices and professional scientists alike - from the very young to those with a life
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Premier Research and Development OrgVASANTDADA SUGAR INSTITUTE, VSI, VSI Sugar, India Sugar, India Agriculture, India Sugarcane, Agronomy, Sugarcane Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Irrigation Water Management, Entomology, Plant Molecular Biology
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Premier Research and Development OrgVASANTDADA SUGAR INSTITUTE, VSI, VSI Sugar, India Sugar, India Agriculture, India Sugarcane, Agronomy, Sugarcane Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Irrigation Water Management, Entomology, Plant Molecular Biology
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Premier Research and Development OrgVASANTDADA SUGAR INSTITUTE, VSI, VSI Sugar, India Sugar, India Agriculture, India Sugarcane, Agronomy, Sugarcane Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Irrigation Water Management, Entomology, Plant Molecular Biology
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), Premier Research and Development OrgVASANTDADA SUGAR INSTITUTE, VSI, VSI Sugar, India Sugar, India Agriculture, India Sugarcane, Agronomy, Sugarcane Plant Breeding, Agricultural Economics, Irrigation Water Management, Entomology, Plant Molecular Biology
International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences - HomeAgronomy ,Agricultural Chemistry Soil science ,Agricultural Botany Biotechnology ,Bio Chemistry,Agricultural Entomology ,Plant Pathology ,Animal Science ,Agricultural Extension Education ,Agricultural Statistics ,Pla
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