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Found 15 results for the keyword engineeringtoolbox. Time 0.006 seconds.
HomeEngineeringToolBox - Sketchup Edition
The Engineering ToolBoxFree tools and information for engineering and design of technical applications.
Electrical FormulasCommonly used electrical formulas like Ohms Law and more.
The Engineering ToolBoxFree tools and information for engineering and design of technical applications.
Water - Density, Specific Weight and Thermal Expansion CoefficientsDefinitions, online calculator and figures and tables with water properties like density, specific weight and thermal expansion coefficient of liquid water at temperatures ranging 0 to 360°C (32 to 680°F).
Steel Pipes - Thermal Expansion LoopsCalculating and sizing steel pipe thermal expansion loops.
Air - Thermophysical PropertiesThermal properties of air at different temperatures - density, viscosity, critical temperature and pressure, triple point, enthalpi and entropi, thermal conductivity and diffusivity and more.
W-Beams - American Wide Flange BeamsDimensions of American Wide Flange Beams ASTM A6 (or W-Beams) - Imperial units.
Thermal Expansion - Linear Expansion CoefficientsLinear temperature expansion coefficients for common materials like aluminum, copper, glass, iron and many more.
Miter Saw - Calculate Sawing AngleCalculate miter saw protractor angles for skirting and decorative mouldings work.
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