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Found 31 results for the keyword elevage. Time 0.007 seconds.
France - Dog Breeders and Kennels -… professional kennel of two dog breeds… purebreed LOF subscibed, winners of show… Golden Retriever breeder in France… Elevage familial de Bulldog Continental LOF…
Haras des Pommiers Elevage de Poneys Shetland, FranceLe Haras des Pommier presente son Elevage de poneys Shetland a Fontainebleau, Ile de France. Etalons Robin des Girards, and Wells Cassius et voir aussi les Photos Poney Shetland et Poney Shetland a Vendre. Poneys du S
La Meute de Ker Picrom Elevage canin Epagneul Tibetain, Bouledogue fElevage canin Epagneul Tibetain, Bouledogue francais ( ancien type) Morbihan 56
German Spitz / Keeshond / Pomeranian - Breeders and Kennels… FCI and AKC standard and use the best American and English lines… champions of many countries - from USA and Canada to Asia, also Interchampions and Grandchampions…
Berner Sennenhund / Bernese Mountain Dog - Breeders and Kennels - Euro… longevity, character, good orthopedics and beauty. Member of the BMD club… find photos from our bernies, pedigrees, show results, pups and other interesting information…
Bouledogue français / French Bulldog - Breeders and Kennels - Europe,… dogs are socialized and live with us in the house where they are constantly in contact with… puppies are champion sired and all have champion bloodlines in their pedigrees…
Dachshund / Teckel - Breeders and Kennels - Europe, USA… Selection of red, black/tan, chocolate/tan and dapple (silver/tan and chocolate/tan… English Cream and Cream Carriers are our Premier line of Longhairs…
Dog Breeders and Kennels - EuroBreeder.comFind a dog breeders, breeding kennels… and puppies in Europe, USA, Canada… and Australia. List of over 300 dog breeds - FCI and Kennel Club (UK & US) nomenclature. Purebred dogs for family, show, work and sport!
bakara's greyhoundselevage de levriers anglais bakara's. All you want to know about the bakara's greyhounds
Materiels agricoles Supertino, Couzon,Bechamatic Sodimac : constructeuMateriels agricoles Supertino, Sodimac,Couzon,Bechamatic : matériels agricoles type presses, pailleuses,enrubanneuses,bennes sodimac,broyeurs couzon
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