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Found 13 results for the keyword dovestream. Time 0.006 seconds.
DoveStream - Equip2Go
Web Evangelism - Equip2GoReaching out through the web cross-culturally.
Using Audio Technology - Equip2GoOne of the greatest common barriers to sharing the gospel is Illiteracy. As a result distributing literature alone is not an effective or even responsible approach to proclaiming the gospel to the world. Use Audio record
People Groups - Equip2GoFor evangelization purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance. (Source: 1982 Lausanne Com
Resources - Equip2Go Our heart is to maximize your outreach!
Using Video Technology - Equip2GoNever before has Video been more accessible to all people and increasing Christians in media are seeing video as a way to reach the lost. Evidence of this is obvious in the recent push for the Jesus film, God story and t
Cookies Policy Equip2GoThis Cookie Policy governs the manner in which Equip2Go collects, uses and maintains cookies from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”).
20/20 Vision - Equip2Go“To produce and distribute an indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for every one of the Least Evangelized Mega Peoples by the year 2020, so that all can clearly see and understand the gospel message and embrace it a
About Us - Equip2Go“Last time we were in India I asked a number of workers if they were using the DVDs, and nearly everyone was giving me incredible reviews. We may now have 1,000,000 Banjara names written in The Book of Life .”
Contextualization - Equip2GoReclaiming culture to share the message of Christ. Embedded in a culture, there is usually some practice or understanding which can be used to demonstrate the Gospel.
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