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Found 44 results for the keyword domesday. Time 0.007 seconds.
Woking - WikipediaThe town is in the parliamentary constituency of Woking and has been represented at Westminster since July 2024 by Liberal Democrat Will Forster.
Farnham - WikipediaThe lowest temperature recorded was −14.0 °C (6.8 °F) 10 in February 1986. On average, 57.7 nights of the year will register an air frost.
Crofton, West Yorkshire - WikipediaCrofton is listed in the 1086 Domesday Book as Scroftune.
Yeovil's Virtual Museum, the A-to-Z of Yeovil's History - by Bob OsborAn A-to-Z History of Yeovil, Somerset, England - by Bob Osborn
Basingstoke - WikipediaBasingstoke is home to two theatrical organisations: the Haymarket, which is situated in the former Corn Exchange, and The Anvil, 49 which is near the railway station.
Guildford - WikipediaBurpham and Merrow are former villages that are now a major suburbs of Guildford.
Sandal Magna - WikipediaThe name Sandal derives from the Early Scandinavian sandr meaning sand or gravel and healh, a meadow. 4
Beverley - WikipediaThe earliest surviving secular drama in English, The Interlude of the Student and the Girl (c. 1300), may have originated from Beverley.
Wakefield - WikipediaOn 2 June 1906, Andrew Carnegie opened a new Wakefield Library on Drury Lane which had been built with a grant of £8,000 from the Carnegie Trust. 42
Glossop Circular Walk - A Circular Walk Around GlossopGlossop Circular Walk is a 21km circular walk around Glossop using bridleways, public footpaths, tracks and quite country lanes with stunning views, open moorland, gorse heathland, wet woodland, quite country lanes, indu
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