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Found 21 results for the keyword dnevnik. Time 0.006 seconds.
Dnevnik means "The Daily" or "Daily News" in South Slavic languages. It can also be translated as "Diary". -- Wikipedia Our growth through the years - Optiweb Web SpecialtiesOur story literally began at the bottom. The first Optiweb office was located on the ground floor of an office building at Kapucinski trg 8 in Škofja Loka. Over the years, the company grew in size and so did the number o
Blog - WikipediaBerners-Lee also created what is considered by Encyclopedia Britannica to be the first 'blog' in 1992 to discuss the progress made on creating the World Wide Web and software used for it. 11
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DXing Slovenija končno imamo DABv Multiplex so bili dodani še Radio Ognjišče, Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio Antena, Radio Center, Rock Radio, Radio Evropa 05 (vsi našteti razen Radio Ognjišče in Radia Center imajo probleme z zvokom zato ga na njih ni)
DXing Slovenija SDR Console V2SDR Console V2 je idealno orodje za FM DX. Ima vse funkcije, ki bi jih uporabnik RTL-SDR ključka pričakoval (med drugim: RDS in Stereo).
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