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Found 14 results for the keyword djaa. Time 0.005 seconds.
DJAA FAQs - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ Alliance AustThe DJAA was originally setup as a private business and called DJ Alliance of Australia. Following some time, it was decided to incorporate as a National Association and have decisions made by a Committee of elected memb
DJAA For Venues - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ AlliancBy choosing an Accredited DJAA member, a Venue can be assured that the DJ MC entertainer has not only been judged a professional whose passion, talent, expertise and service are outstanding by their clients, but also by
Our Supporters - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ AllianceThe DJAA gratefully acknowledges the kind support given by the following organisations:
Documentation - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ AllianceThe DJAA Constitution was approved by the sitting Committee on 7 May 2014 and accepted by Fair Trading NSW on 6 June 2014 and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 14 July 2014. On 4 March 2019, 8 March
About Us - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ Alliance AustrThe DJ Alliance Australasia Incorporated (DJAA) is a not for profit association for disc jockeys and master of ceremonies across Australia and New Zealand. It was formed in 2010 and incorporated in 2014 to serve not only
DJAA For Events - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ AlliancSo you’ve chosen the venue and the caterer, made a guest list and even have your outfit picked out. You know that if something goes wrong with any of these things, there is someone you can turn to for assistance.
DJAA for DJs MCs - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ Alli2016 National Conference Brisbane, Queensland
Why DJAA? - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ Alliance Aust2016 National Conference Brisbane, Queensland
DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia IncDJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.The DJAA is a group of passionate DJ MC Entertainers from across Australasia who have created a quality benchmark of minimum standards for their industry.
Committee Members - DJAA | DJ Alliance Australasia Inc.DJAA | DJ AlliaThe DJ Alliance Australasia is a committee run organisation which has set out to educate, share and discuss ideas within the industry. The Committee is committed to the furthering of both our Association and industry.
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