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Found 42 results for the keyword dixieland. Time 0.019 seconds.
Sejarah Jazz | AlbumBaru.ComInfo terlengkap tentang sejarah musik jazz, mulai dari era Ragtime, Dixieland, Bebob, Swing, Latin Jazz, hingga Fusion dan Jazz Rock.
$2.88 Bargain LP$2.88 Bargain LP
Jammin Jambalaya Band - Zydeco Band Orlando, Florida, The Jammin JambaThe Jammin Jambalaya Band, Mardi Gras Band and Zydeco Band in Orlando, Florida.
Jazz Music: Essential Jazz Albums Historic Sessions-Mosaic RecordsExpert jazz music picks, description and sample audio: Duke Ellington, Lester Young, John Coltrane, Big Band, Swing, BeBop, and more...
Rockabilly - WikipediaZeb Turner's February 1953 recording of Jersey Rock with its mix of musical styles, lyrics about music and dancing, and guitar solo, 20 is another example of the mixing of musical genres in the first half of the 1950s
35 Extraordinary Jazz Artists: Jazz Legends Overlooked Jazz MusicianJazz artists brought to life by some of the greatest jazz writers. Exclusive content - Mosaic Records
Bix Beiderbecke: Expert insights into this great jazz artist - MosaicBy the late twenties Bix Beiderbecke had ushered in a striking new approach to the jazz solo concept by making it cool.
~An American Trilogy~ Elvis PresleyOh I wish I was in the land of cotton Old times there are not forgotten Look away, look away, look away Dixieland Oh I wish I was in Dixie, away, away In Dixieland I'll take my stand to live and die in Dixie For Dixiel
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