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Found 56 results for the keyword debasish. Time 0.054 seconds.
Debasish Mandal s BlogBreathing for fun.. Hacking to live..
Debasish Mandal - YouTubeThank You for stopping by on this page.If you are here, you are probably curious to know more about me. So here you go. I m Debasish. A software security res...
Intellectual Property Theft 101 - Lack of Access to UK Justice 101Intellectual Property Theft 101 - A case study of intellectual property theft by Dr Phil Blackburn, Debasish Sen, Richard Hall, Institute of Business Consulting
My Experience Reporting Web Bugs to Microsoft (MSRC) for the First TimIts been more than 8 years since I played around with Web Bugs. Seems threat landscape and things has changed significantly. However recently i reported few low hanging web related problems to MSFT. Most of the issues
Sniffing / Monitoring Inter Process Communication (IPC) over Named PipIn this video I've demonstrated how we can intercept interprocess communication on windows platform using a tool called IO Ninja.
What is System Service Descriptor SSDT Table? | RE | Malware AnalysisAs requested by some of my viewers in this video I've tried to explain what is System Service Descriptor SSDT.
OS Internals : Concept of Virtual Memory Syscalls | Reverse EngineerThis is my very first white board video on OS Internals specially made for Reverse Engineers Malware Analysts Interviews. I hope to get better at writing on a white board in upcoming videos.
My Book Published - Penetration Testing for Jobseekers (April 15, 2022Penetration Testing for Job Seekers is an attempt to discover the way to a spectacular career in cyber security, specifically penetration testing. This book offers a practical approach by discussing several computer and
Github Copilot Tutorial - Hacker s / Pentester s AI Powered ProgrammerIn this video, I've made port scanner in python with github copilot without writing a single line of code. I felt it could be great tools for #bugbounty while writing automation.
whoamiBreathing for fun since 1989.. Breaking things to live since ~2009..
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