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Datu is the title for chiefs, sovereign princes, and monarchsFor more information about the social system of the Indigenous Philippine society before the Spanish colonization see Barangay in Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europea-Americana, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, S. A. -- Wikipedia Web hostings New : Mājaslapu hostings, labākais hostingsMājaslapu hostings ar iespēju izmantot savu domēna vārdu vai reģistrēt jaunu. Hostinga plānos ietilpst personificētie epasta konti.
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Mandirigma Filipino Martial Arts - HomeWelcome to Mandirigma Filipino Martial Arts Academy! Classes taught by authentically-trained Canadian instructor Datu Darren Friesen. We offer instruction in Filipino martial arts, personal defence, women's self-defence,
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