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Found 48 results for the keyword crystallographic. Time 0.020 seconds.
(IUCr) International Union of CrystallographyThe IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of cryst
(IUCr) The IUCrThe IUCr is a scientific union adhering to the International Science Council (ISC). Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promo
(IUCr) Statutes and By-Laws(a) to promote international cooperation in crystallography;
Crystallographic reports of cytochrome chemical along with cytochromeCognitive fit considers the stages of human-information processing, including somatosensation, executive function, and motor selection. Human cognitive capabilities should remain available to process task- and stimulus-r
Privacy PolicyThe American Crystallographic Association (ACA) respects the privacy of members and operates according to the following policies. This Privacy Policy describes the information that the ACA collects, how this information
ACA HistoryThis is the History Portal of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA). Meet Structural Scientists, learn about crystallography in Americas and more!
(IUCr) Advisory Committees of the Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee establishes Sub-committees to assist it in its work.
(IUCr) loginRegistered users should login here to update their World Directory entry, enjoy Associates benefits, manage journal e-alerts, or use the publBio submission interface
(IUCr) RSS feedsThe IUCr currently publishes the following feeds in RSS 1.0 format:
(IUCr) Executive SecretariatThe Chief Executive Officer of the IUCr (Dr A.M. Stanley) may be contacted at:
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