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Found 35 results for the keyword contextualization. Time 0.005 seconds.
Contextualization - Equip2GoReclaiming culture to share the message of Christ. Embedded in a culture, there is usually some practice or understanding which can be used to demonstrate the Gospel.
Approaches and Methods Equip2GoFrom video clips on your phone to HD films you can project for a large group; from respectful language to holistic strategies, these are some of the ways you can begin to communicate the Gospel contextually.
NetSPI: Proactive Security - NetSPILearn more about NetSPI s leadership in proactive cybersecurity and schedule a demo today.
Homepage - Equip2GoGet trained with the knowledge and information necessary to reach cultures that are different than your own. We have video resources and seminar training to provide insights and practical tools that will help you make th
People Groups - Equip2GoFor evangelization purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance. (Source: 1982 Lausanne Com
STEM Press On-Line Bookstore Mission Trip Training Mission Trip ResourShort-Term Mission Trip Training! Mission Trip Preparation! Mission Trip Planning! Mission Trip Resources! Missions Training Curriculum! Missions Trip Planning Checklists! Mission Trip Devotions! Mission Trip Meetings! M
FAQ | Raku DocumentationThe search response can be shortened by excluding the extra information line (Alt-E)
App Personalisation to Enhance Conversion Rate | NotifyVisitorsApp personalisation software by NotifyVisitors will help you provide a personalised user experience to improve user engagement.
DoveStream - Equip2Go
Web Evangelism - Equip2GoReaching out through the web cross-culturally.
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