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Found 364 results for the keyword commodore. Time 0.006 seconds.
Commodore generally refers to Commodore (rank), a naval rank. It may also refer to: -- Wikipedia USCGAUX: Meet Mary Kirkwood, National CommodoreCommodore Mary Kirkwood resides in northern California and joined the Auxiliary in 2002, following the tragic events of 9-11. She served most recently as Vice National Commodore before assuming the office of National Com
USCGAUX: Meet Patrick Feighery, Vice National CommodoreCommodore Pat Feighery joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary in June of 2001 in Boca Raton, Florida, District 7. He held several Flotilla, Division, and District Staff Positions and also served in all elected positions up to
Vanderbilt Sports Line: ATTENTION: Commodore Fans Who Don't Live in NaThe Best Dang Vanderbilt Sports Blog on the Web
USCGAUX: Deputy National CommodoresThe Auxiliary has four Deputy National Commodores (DNACO) who report to the Vice National Commodore. Three are elected, and one is appointed (*).
Welcome to the National Association of CommodoresCommodore Robert Shafer, President
Hardware Keylogger - AirDrive KeyGrabber Keylogger - C64 PSU Power SUSB keylogger hardware solutions - KeyGrabber - USB Keylogger, Wireless Keylogger, DIY Keylogger, Wi-Fi Keylogger, C64 PSU, C64 Power Supply, Commodore 64
Commodore development utilities for WindowsCBM prg Studio is a windows application which allows you to write BASIC and machine code programs and create a .prg file from it. The .prg file can then be ran on a real or emulated machine. It also includes a character
For the Commodore 64/128/128D anFor the Commodore 64/128/128D and Vic20.
Transmission Repair Melbourne | Transdoctor | Thomastown Victoria |Transdoctor Melbourne is committed to giving the best quality Ford Falcon - Territory and Holden Commodore Auto transmission service and repairs in Melbourne.
SASG - BackgroundRecently, one could unfortunately hear more and more voices already predicting the end of the AMIGA and therefore the end of a much beloved hobby for the most of us. Fact is, that the company Commodore International ha
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