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Found 640 results for the keyword castello. Time 0.008 seconds.
Castello is the Italian word for castle. The Latin word Castellum means reservoir, water tank. -- Wikipedia Castello di Pierle near Cortona in the Province of Arezzo, TuscanyHistory of the Castello di Pierle and the nearby Chiesa di San Biagio a Pierle, located at Mercatale in the municipality of Cortona, Tuscany
Castello di QuercetoCastello di Querceto near Greve in Chianti, Tuscany, Italy
Castello di Meleto - Meleto Castle, near Gaiole in Chianti, TuscanyThe Castello di Meleto is a massive, turreted castle located near Gaiole in Chianti, Tuscany
Castello di Uzzano :: Uzzano CastleCastello di Uzzano near Greve in Chianti, Tuscany, Italy
Domain Names For Sale - Premium Domain Names - Castello BrothersBrowse the world s best domain names for sale. Since 1997, the Castello Brothers have sold domain names such as and
Brolio Castle Castello di Brolio Chianti, Tuscany, ItalyBrolio Castle - Castello di Brolio in Chianti, Tuscany, between Florence and Sienna
Vicchiomaggio Castello di VicchiomaggioCastello Vicchiomaggio :: Vicchiomaggio Castle
Brolio Castle Chianti Italy San Giusto a Rentennano alle Monache LucigTuscan castles - Castello di Brolio, San Giusto a Rentennano (alle Monache), Lucignano, La Torricella - castles, fortresses, citadels, fortified abbeys, towers of Chianti
VerrazzanoCastello di Verrazzano near Greve in Chianti
MontefioralleCastello di Montefioralle fortified village near Greve in Chianti
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