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Found 28 results for the keyword bugtracker. Time 0.007 seconds.
ZenphotoCMS - The simpler media website CMSZenphotoCMS is a CMS for selfhosted, gallery focused websites. Our focus lies on being easy to use and having all the features there when you need them (but out
Get involved! | ZenphotoCMS - The simpler media website CMSContributing Zenphoto is a community project and you don t need to be a developer/coder to contribute. Although you should have at least some knowledge of gene
GitHub - btaylor/berserk: Berserk is a Scrum tracking tool used by theBerserk is a Scrum tracking tool used by the Mono Accessibility project to track sprint backlog, integrating with Bugzilla to track these tasks. The workflow of Berserk is heavily influenced by Overlord developed by Meds
ZenphotoCMS forumForum search only. You might also want to search on the main site's user guide.
Bug Tracking Tools Software Quality Issue & Defect TrackingCommercial and Free Open Source Bug Tracking Tools: Software Quality, Defect and Issue Tracking Software: BugZilla, MantisBT, Bug Genie, FlySpray, WebIssues
Welcome to the Design and User Experience team - The Document FoundatiWe provide information on these pages about what we do, how we work, and how you may contribute. We have task for everyone who is interested to join.
Support - ISPConfigNeed help with installing ISPConfig 3 or updating your installation? We offer various ISPConfig 3 support options.
Get Involved | PiwigoPiwigo is built by an active community of users and developers, working together in order to create a great photo manager. There are numerous ways to contribute, depending on your skills and the time you would like to sp
Board3 - Portalboard3 Portal is an extension for phpBB forums. It adds a portal with several modules to your forum. You can change the settings, move the modules, add new modules, and more in the ACP.
Software Development Company in Singapore, Custom Software ConsultingXsosys is a Software, Web & Mobile app development company in Singapore. We offer end to end IT services with a focus on software product development, customized enterprise business solutions and offshore development. Ge
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