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Found 1072 results for the keyword bred. Time 0.008 seconds.
#1Champion bred golden retriever puppies in Indiana, Midwest, FloridaDiscover #1 Champion-bred Golden Retriever puppies in Indiana, Midwest, and Florida with All Four Paws. Perfect companions, expertly raised!
Trained Puppies | ENGLISH MANOR LABRADOODLESTrained labradoodles for sale. Authentic Australian young adults , Hypo allergenic, Fully non-shedding. Bred for Therapy Temperament
Preservational Breeders - Standard Poodles For SalePurposefully Bred Standard Poodles Intentionally bred for Predictable Type, Health and Human Companionship. Exceptional Standard Poodle Puppies Standard Poodles Since 1969 TEL. (760) 744-7886 / FAX (760) 591-966
Norwich Terrier | For the Love of Purebred DogsHistory and Origin: originated in the United Kingdom: bred to hunt rodents and small vermin. Named for their small town in England, they were also successful when used in packs at hunts. Probably developed by crossing sm
common reed frog for sale - Captive Bred Reptiles For Sale from BreedeIN STOCK FOR $58. This common reed frog for sale (Hyperolius viridiflavus) was photographed in Uganda. Reed frogs are ambitious predators for their size and take ...
honey blue eyed white tree frog for sale - Captive Bred Reptiles For SIN STOCK FOR $139. honey blue eyed white tree frog for sale are native to Australia. These frogs are great for beginners as they eat readily, can be held (with gloves, please!), and can be housed in ...
kokoe poison dart frog - Captive Bred Reptiles For Sale from BreedersThe Kokoe poison dart frog, Phyllobates aurotaenia, is a species of poison dart frog. It is endemic to northern Colombia near the border with Panama.
golden mantella frog for sale - Captive Bred Reptiles For Sale from BrIN STOCK FOR $86. The golden mantella frog for sale is the most well known of the man frog species. Individuals can be yellow, bright orange, or orange-red in color.
Oophaga sylvatica diablo dart frog for sale - Captive Bred Reptiles FoIN STOCK FOR $679. The Oophaga sylvatica diablo dart frog for sale can be found up to 1000 m asl. Its habitat includes lowland and submontane rainforest, and it can tolerate banana plantations in more humid parts of
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