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Found 53 results for the keyword biu. Time 0.010 seconds.
Distance Learning University - Adult Degree Programs OnlineDistance Learning University - BIU offers distance degree programs of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate (Ph.D.), as well as continuing education and professional diplomas. BIU is a non profit institution of distance lea
Distance Learning University - Bircham International UniversityBircham International University has developed an innovative method of distance learning higher education adapted to the needs of adult professionals from all over the world. The best distance learning university alterna
Bircham International University - English - Distance Learning UniverBircham International University was created in 1992 as a consequence of the failure of formal education to address the real pedagogical requirements of adult distance learning higher education. Bircham International Uni
遠隔教育大学 - オンライン 社会人向けの学位プログラム遠隔教育大学 - BIUは、学士号、修士号および博士号 (Ph.D.)、ならびに継続教育とプロフェッショナルディプロマを授与しています。BIUは遠隔高等教育における非営利団体です。
远程学习大学 - 成人学位课程 在线远程学习大学 - BIU是一个非赢利的远程学习高等教育机构。BIU提供学士、硕士和博士学位,也包括继续教育和专业文凭。
جامعة للتعليم عن بعد - شهادات عليا للبالغين عبر الإنترنيتجامعة للتعليم عن بعد - بيرشام هي مؤسسة غير ربحية. تقدم جامعتنا شهادات عن بعد في البكالوريوس والماجستير والدكتوراه (دكتواره فلسفة)، زيادة على دورات التكوين المستمر والدبلومات المهنية.
Университет дистанционного образования - Образование взрослых - дистанУниверситет дистанционного образования - МУБ - негосударственное учебное учреждение, предлагающее дистанционное обучение по уровням Бакалавр, Магистр и Доктор (
Welcome! - Bircham International University - Distance Learning.The future of education or the education of the future. The distance learning for adults is taking the direction that Bircham International University has been
Distance Learning University - Bircham International UniversityBircham International University has developed an innovative method of distance learning higher education adapted to the needs of adult professionals from all over the world. The best distance learning university alterna
Opinion Review - Bircham International UniversitySince its foundation, Bircham International University has been dealing with reviews and opinion because the unique characteristics of our distance learning deg
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