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Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavni Mandal | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiOn 17th April 2017, a vision took shape in the name of Bhavkunj School. It was a dream come true to Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal. The dream of opening a CBSE school under the umbrella of SVKM, Kadi. It was also a prou
Principal | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiAt Bhavkunj School we have been trying to bring reformation at many levels. - Principal
Director | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiBhavkunj School is committed to the pursuit of excellence and leadership in education services and practice. The curriculum is based upon leading pedagogical models from around the world and designed to develop students
Team | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiBhavkunj School Management employs an in-house team of multi-skilled education professionals, specialists Teaching staff.
Bhavkunj CBSE School, Kadi | Best CBSE School in GujaratBhavkunj CBSE School is Mehsana Gujarat’s best CBSE English Medium School where quality is expected, and nothing less is acceptable. Passion for excellence is a driving force each and every day.
POCSO Committee of School | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiBhavkunj school s “POCSO” committee consisting of the following members has been constituted for ensuring a safe, secure and supportive environment for students.
Headmistress | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiWe at Bhavkunj have eyes set on the future where every child would be and innovator. We dream of the day when quality learning would no longer be the privilege of a few. Our burning desire is to nurture and enable studen
School Inspection | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiCBSE Affiliation Number: 430375
Coordinator | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiS. V. Campus, B/h Railway Station Kadi Mehsana - 382715, North Gujarat, India
Chairman | Bhavkunj CBSE School, KadiShri Vallabhbhai M. Patel - Chairman svkm
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