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VDS - asso - v champion - asso x ray - x jewel -We are proud to build the Italian Asso Series: the Ultralight Aircrafts designed by the legendary Giuseppe Bepi Vidor.
C.T. Sports: Children's Plastic Toys Manufacturer, Custom Made PlasticSince 1984, C.T. Sports has specialized in the field of plastic sports toys. We export and manufacture various types of sports toys and games suitable for the toy and sporting goods industries.
Plastic Sports Toys ManufacturerWith our global exports and focus on toy manufacturing, C.T. Sports has established itself as one of the most reliable toy manufacturers, with extensive experience in sports toys and games.
FootwearQUALITY CONTROL,TESTING AND AUDITS | Bureau Veritas CPSFootwear brands and retailers are understandably focused on validating product quality, performance characteristics and durability, while also protecting reputation and brand equity. This requires the navigation of multi
Softlines ProductsTesting, Inspection and Audits | Bureau Veritas CPSFashion seasons move quickly – so compliance must, too. Softline products such as clothing, footwear and home textiles constantly expand into new global markets, thus facing increasingly complex regulatory challenges alo
Consumer Hard GoodsEssentials with Confidence | Bureau Veritas CPSAt Bureau Veritas, we work with businesses throughout the hardlines supply chain to build quality and safety into processes. This increases confidence in bringing goods to market such as furniture, jewellery, household a
Toy Product Safety Testing and Compliance | Bureau Veritas CPSToy product safety and quality are fundamental concerns for consumers, particularly for parents, who buy toys and other products related to children. However, the toys and juvenile products landscape is evolving every da
World’s Leader in Audits, Testing and InspectionsSustainable supply chain, supplier audits, product quality inspections and testing solutions for global retailers, manufacturers and online marketplaces.
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