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Found 11121 results for the keyword authors. Time 0.006 seconds.
Authors | Spotlight Authors, All Authors, Author Interviews | FaberFaber is home to authors including Sylvia Plath, Samuel Beckett, Ted Hughes, William Golding, Kae Tempest, Seamus Heaney and P. D. James.
Homepage - The Authors GuildThe Authors Guild advocates for the rights of writers by supporting free speech, fair contracts, and copyright. We create community and fight for a living wage.
Authors Business FundasThe blog Business Fundas has come a long way, ever since it was initiated in 2007, thanks to the enormous support our readers have provided, by voting and sharing our articles in various social media sites. Our authors a
Managing Authors Rights | Authors AllianceWe help authors understand and manage the rights necessary to make their works broadly available now and in the future. Copyright is a complicated subject, to say the least—and most authors would rather be writing than c
Authors, writers, novelists, poets - humanmade.netList of authors, writers, novelists and poets who have books indexed at Find talented authors and writers.
The Authors Registry -The Authors Registry is a not-for-profit clearinghouse for payments to authors, receiving royalties from organizations and distributing them to U.S. authors. It was founded in 1995 by a consortium of U.S. authors' organi
Authors - Duckworth BooksDiscover the brilliant authors at Duckworth, including Oskar Jensen, Monica Macias, Julia Parry, Anika Scott and A.J. West.
Small Business AuthorsArticles on are contributions of small business owners, experts and authors. Here is the list of both active and former authors.
Authorial Reputation Integrity | Authors AllianceAuthorial reputation and integrity are key issues for Authors Alliance. We work to ensure that authors can make their contributions to knowledge and culture widely available without sacrificing their interests in reputat
Authors | Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural EconomicJournal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | JASAE (ISSN:18158129, E-ISSN:18151027) is an Open Access and peer reviewed Which Aims to Publish High-quality Scientific Articles in the Field journal of agricu
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