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Found 121 results for the keyword asem. Time 0.006 seconds.
Asem (also spelled Aasim, Asim, or Assem, ) is a male given name of Arabic origin, which means "protector, guardian, defender". This same word also means "a word, a message" in Akan, spoken by Akans and by inhabitants of Suriname -- Wikipedia 0813-3044-9041 Supplier Kepiting Bakau Karang Asem - Issuu0813-3044-9041 Supplier Kepiting Bakau Karang Asem Distributor Kepiting Bakau Karang Asem, Agen Kepiting Bakau Karang Asem, Jual Kepiting Bakau Karang Asem, Distributor Kepiting Bakau Eksport Karang Asem, Supplier Kepiti
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