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Found 13 results for the keyword armeniafund. Time 0.007 seconds.
About Armenia Fund | ArmeniaFundPositive Changes Sustainable Development of the Armenian Homeland ArmeniaFund is the largest pan-Armenian humanitarian organization. Our mission is to connect the people of Armenia with the worldwide Armenian Diaspo
Welcome to ArmeniaFund | ArmeniaFundMake a difference, Start Raising Today Join us for the 27th Annual Armenia Fund Thanksgiving Day Telethon on November 28, 2024, from 2 pm to 6 pm PST! Tune in on all major social media platforms—YouTube, Instagram, Fac
Leadership and Board of Directors | ArmeniaFundMEET THE BOARD About Us Armenia Fund’s Leadership Members of The Board of Directors MEET THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
EDUCATION | ArmeniaFundCREATING OPEN MINDS Armenia Fund has constructed and renovated some of Armenia’s and Artsakh’s most important cultural institutions, from the National Motion Picture Archive to the historic libraries and educational i
AGRICULTURE | ArmeniaFundSUSTAINABLE FARMING TECHNIQUES We are committed to transforming the Armenian homeland into a model for sustainable agricultural production. The assistance we provide has resulted in the construction of greenho
CULTURE HERITAGE | ArmeniaFundHISTORY IN THE MAKING Armenia Fund has renovated and built some of Armenia’s and Artsakh’s most important cultural institutions, including the National Motion Picture Archive to the historic libraries and educational
VETERAN SUPPORT | ArmeniaFundGIVING BACK TO OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO HAVE GIVEN EVERYTHING Armenia’s war veterans put their lives on the line for a better future, and too many have paid the ultimate price for their commitment to this ideal. A
HOSPITALS MEDICAL | ArmeniaFundThere is no asset more valuable than health With projects including the reconstruction of Stepanakert Hospital and our landmark partnership with Glendale Adventist Medical Center for providing medical assist
HOUSING SHELTER | ArmeniaFundHOUSING URBAN DEVELOPMENT Aiming to improve housing and quality of life for families and communities alike, we’re implementing an array of projects that encompass the provision of apartments to homeless fami
ROADS HIGHWAYS | ArmeniaFundROADS ARE THE COUNTRY S BACKBONE Good roads and highways enable the people of Armenia to travel easily and safely, fostering growth in local and regional economies,facilitating efficient goods movement and
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