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Found 11 results for the keyword aontaithe. Time 0.007 seconds.
Los Angeles, California - VicipéidBhunaigh gobharnóir na Spáinne Felipe de Neve an chathair i 1781, ar abhainn Los Angeles.
San Jose, California - VicipéidTagann an t-ainm ón Spáinnis ar Naomh Seosamh.
Garden Grove, California - VicipéidCathair i ndeisceart California is ea Garden Grove. Sa bhliain 2010 fuarthas 170,883 duine ina gcónaí in Garden Grove.
San Mateo, California - VicipéidCathair i iarthar California is ea San Mateo. Sa bhliain 2010 fuarthas 97,207 duine ina gcónaí in San Mateo.
Santa Ana, California - VicipéidCathair i ndeisceart California is ea Santa Ana. Sa bhliain 2010 fuarthas 324,528 duine ina gcónaí in Santa Ana.
Burbank, California - VicipéidCathair i ndeisceart California is ea Burbank. Sa bhliain 2010 fuarthas 103,340 duine ina gcónaí in Burbank.
Irvine, California - VicipéidCathair i ndeisceart California is ea Irvine. Sa bhliain 2010 fuarthas 212,375 duine ina gcónaí in Irvine.
Pasadena, California - Vicipéid
Hayward, California - Vicipéid
United States - WikipediaComposed of three branches, all headquartered in Washington, D.C., the federal government is the national government of the United States. It is regulated by a strong system of checks and balances. 218
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