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Found 26 results for the keyword antonyshyn. Time 0.007 seconds.
Registered Psychotherapy | Relationship Counseling | Svetlana AntonyshMeet Svetlana Antonyshyn, founder of HHC Centre. She is Registered Psychotherapist and Relationship Counsellor. Call 905-553-9255 to book an appointment.
Kevin B. Antonyshyn Lawyer CPA | Winnipeg Law and CPA FirmKevin B. Antonyshyn, Lawyer CPA, helps individuals, estates/trusts, and businesses with legal, accounting, financial, tax and consulting matters
Holistic Doctors | Therapists and Counsellors - HHC CentreHere is the list of holistic doctors, therapists and counsellors we have at our centre. You can read the biography of all practitioners.
Holistic HealthCare | Holistic Practitioner | Mental Health | AlternatHolistic Medicine centre in Vaughan, addressing your physical and mental health. Treatment includes psychotherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition, medicall facials, and more
Holistic HealthCare | Holistic Practitioner | Mental Health | AlternatHolistic Medicine centre in Vaughan, addressing your physical and mental health. Treatment includes psychotherapy, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, nutrition, medicall facials, and more
Emotion Management Symptoms | Holistic MedicineEmotion management may be a problem for some people. You can do certain things to cope with your emotions. Learn more about this on our website.
Zainab Mahdi | Registered PsychotherapistZainab Mahdi, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Virtual and in-person sessions are available. To book an appointment, please call 905-553-9255
Olena Gisys | Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational TherapyOlena Gisys is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, and Life Coach. To book an appointment, please call 905-553-9255.
Carol McDowell | Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)Carol McDowell, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Virtual and in-person sessions are available. To book an appointment, please call 905-553-9255
Phil Azer | Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)Phil Azer, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). Virtual and in-person sessions are available. To book an appointment, please call 905-553-9255
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