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Found 150 results for the keyword anthropologist. Time 0.036 seconds.
An anthropologist is a person with an extensive knowledge of anthropology who uses this knowledge in their work, typically to solve problems specific to humanity. -- Wikipedia Jorn Bettin | Knowledge archaeologist by day and neurodivergent anthroKnowledge archaeologist by day and neurodivergent anthropologist by night
Siomonn Pulla PhDI am an anthropologist and professor based out of Royal Roads University, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. I specialize in ethohistorical and archival research and Corporate-Indigenous relations, First Nation, Inu
Virtual Reality and Its Impact on the Future of Online GamblingVirtual Reality refers to computer-generated simulations that allow users to engage with a 3D environment using specialized equipment like VR headsets, gloves, and controllers. By wearing a headset, users can experience
Rada Dyson-Hudson - WikipediaOn November 15, 1992, she was involved in a car accident in State College, Pennsylvania. 19
SATHYA - YouTubeETHNOGRAPHIC FILMSSathya is an anthropologist engaged in visually exploring and documenting the fast disappearing tribal traditions of the Deccan. His award-...
Events For Digital DignityAt a roundtable discussion on the politics of misinformation, Sahana Udupa joined Courtney Cooper, Global Policy Director at WhatsApp, and Yotam Shmargad, University of Arizona, highlighting emerging challenges around en
WORT 89.9FM Madison, WisconsinWORT-FM is a non-commercial, listener-sponsored, member controlled, community radio station broadcasting to South-Central Wisconsin.
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