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Found 32 results for the keyword anb. Time 0.005 seconds.
BPM Software (Business Process Management) | ANB Systems IncOur BPM software (Business Process Management) is a low-code development platform for energy efficiency organizations to track their programs.
ESG Sustainability Reporting Software - ANB Systems LLCLeverage esgTRACK – our scalable customizable SaaS solution. Make easy work tracking reporting all your processes under Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
Document Recognition Software | ANB Systems Inc.Our Document Recognition and Management Software can process data from a variety of sources such as meter displays, HVAC nameplates, PDF’s and handwritten forms.
eTRM Features - ANB Systems
eTRACK+ Features - ANB Systems LLCConfigure data models and seamlessly capture Omnichannel data for use in your processes.
ePLAN Features - ANB Systems LLCMeasure setup using ePLAN involves the definition of measure general attributes, measure per unit savings (including load shape distribution percentages), impact factors like free-ridership rate, spill-over rate, etc.),
Energy Savings Calculator | Electronic Technical Reference ManualElectronic Technical Reference Manual software is a central repository for publishing energy efficiency measure data and perform energy savings calculations.
Workflow Management Software for Utilities | eTRACK+Highly scalable workflow management software for utilities to develop manage operations workflow for energy efficiency demand-side management programs.
Distributed Generation Program | ZAPconnectZAPconnect is a distributed generation program tracking software that expedites processing of distributed energy resource interconnection applications.
Cost Benefit Analysis Calculator | ePLANePLAN is a cost-benefit analysis calculator software to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency and DSM programs of utilities.
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