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An amide, also known as an acid amide, is a compound with the functional group RnE(O)xNR'2 (R and R' refer to H or organic groups). Most common are "organic amides" (n = 1, E = C, x = 1), but many other important types of amides are known including phosphor amides (n = 2, E = P, x = 1 and many related formulas) and sulfonamides (E = S, x= 2). -- Wikipedia HILIC Amide HPLC Column - HawachHawach amide column allows you to obtain reliable, high-quality results. It s the best choice for replacing the amino column in hilic mode.
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Thermoplastic starch/beeswax blend: Characterization in energy mechaniThe electronically unsaturated three-coordinated hydridoborenium cations [LBH]+[HB(C6F5)3]- (1) and [LBH]+[B(C6F5)4]- (2), supported by a bis(phosphinimino)amide ligand, were found to be excellent catalysts for hydrosily
Three Examples Of Pharmaceutical Grade Di Arginine Malate Powder - Yog
About Cyspera Intensive System™ by Scientis - ScientisDiscover Scientis Cyspera Intensive System™, the new gold standard solution for hyperpigmentation. Clinically proven results.
Reactions and Mechanisms Master Organic ChemistryThe Organic Chemistry Reaction and Mechanism Guide will help you understand more than 185 of the most common reactions encountered in undergraduate organic chemistry.
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Where To begin With High Purity Di Arginine Malate Raw Material - Trad
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