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Found 11 results for the keyword am437x. Time 0.008 seconds.
AM437x PoM | Mistral - AM437x EVM, AM437x Starter Kit, AM437x IDK, AMAM437x EVM, AM437x IDK, AM437x Starter kit: The AM437x Product on Module (AM437x POM) with AM437x application board from Mistral is a low cost, small footprint, high performance; easy-to-use AM437x development platform b
NXP i.MX6 NanoSOM | Mistral - i.MX6 Development Platform, iMX6 SOM, Ii.MX6 NanoSOM: i.MX6 SOM is a small footprint 44mm*26mm i.mx6 System on Module based on i.MX6 SoC from NXP that can be used directly in end product design. The VISEBOARD is an i.MX6 Development platform consisting of the
TI Reference Designs | Mistral - Product Reference DesignsProduct Reference Designs: Mistral offers software development platforms and Product Reference Designs to help developers leverage capabilities of leading processors. Our TI Reference Designs TMDXEVM8148 AM/DM37x EVM h
AWS IoT SDK | Mistral - Amazon Web Services IoT SDK, Industrial IoT KAmazon Web Services IoT SDK (AWS IoT SDK): Based on TI’s SitaraAM437x platform, the AWS Industrial IoT Kit , comes integrated with the Amazon Web Services IoT SDK (AWS IoT SDK) enabling developers to build connected devi
Internet of Things Services | Mistral- IoT Service Provider, IoT ProdInternet of Things Services: Mistral is a leading IoT Service Provider in India helping developers with their IoT product designs; We help build, implement and realize IoT device designs and IoT Gateway Devices ensuring
Sitara based Designs: Mistral - TI Sitara SoC based DesignsTI Sitara SoC based Designs: Mistral’s expertise in Sitara based designs ensures reduced system cost and expanded connectivity while maintaining SW compatibility. Mistral has extensive experience working with TI Sitara S
ePOS and biometrics solutions | Mistral - ePOS and Bio-metrics ExpertePOS and bio-metrics Expertise: Mistral offers robust, high-performance ePoS and Biometrics expertise providing ePOS solutions, biometrics solutions Biometric technology ensuring accurate pricing, faster transactions a
Home Automation Solutions | Mistral - Home Automation GatewaysHome Automation Sensor Integration and Home Automation Gateways: Mistral has expertise in designing and developing Home Automation solutions. Our Home Automation Design Services allow connected smart homes to be controll
Wireless Designs || Mistral - Wireless Module Designs, Wireless DesigWireless Designs: Mistral offers Wireless Design Expertise and wireless module designs that can convert interesting ideas to products that are connected to “the Internet of things” using 802.11, WPAN, 802.11, Bluetooth,
AM335 Designs | Mistral - AM335x Linux, AM335x AndroidAM335x Linux AM335x Android Designs: Mistral offers performance optimized AM335 Designs for Linux Android platforms for building devices like portable terminals, handheld gaming devices, connected devices and home au
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