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The Cape Point Route, Western Cape, South AfricaBed & breakfast, hotel and self-catering / vacation rental options on the Cape Point route.
Hawaii Hotels, Resorts Vacation Rentals Beach Condos - Travel LodgQuality lodging in beautiful Hawaii, including bed & breakfasts, eco-retreats and resorts, hotels with online reservation and vacation rentals
Canary Islands Hotel Reservations, Self-Catering/Vacation Rentals, BedA variety of accommodation in the Canary Islands including hotels, rural options and self-catering accommodation.
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Galicia, Spain - Hotels Paradores - Spanish Travel Accommodation GSituated in the North of Spain, on the Atlantic coast, a green and fertile region of Spain, which is heavily wooded. The coastline is a source of some of the best seafood in Europe.
Balearic Islands, Spain - Tour, accommodation travel guideA variety of accommodation in the Balearic Island with travel information and tours.
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Hotels Paradores in La Rioja, Spain - Travel Guide to La RiojaA historic and scenic area of Spain, particularly famous worldwide for its wonderful wines.
Castilla y la Mancha Travel Guide - Hotels Paradores in Albacete, AlA featured selection of hotels in Albacete, Almagro and Ciudad Real in Castilla y La Mancha region of Spain including historic paradores.
Hotels Casonas in Arriondas - Asturias, Spain Travel GuideA variety of accommodation in Asturias, Spain including hotels and bed and breakfasts.
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