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Found 46 results for the keyword alap. Time 0.008 seconds.
The alap is the opening section of a typical North Indian classical performance. It is a form of melodic improvisation that introduces and develops a raga. -- Wikipedia Aai Laxmibai Atmaram Palande HospitalWe are working for the poor & needy to run, maintain or assist needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost of medical treatment.
Munk?sok?rt Alap?tv?nyAz alkalmazottak, az ?ll?skeres k ?s a munkaad?k egyar?nt.
Munk?sok?rt Alap?tv?nyAz alkalmazottak, az ?ll?skeres k ?s a munkaad?k egyar?nt.
Intercontact?zleti aj?nlatok. Gazdas?gi inform?ci?k, megrendel?sek, munk?k a c?gek sz?m?ra, f?k?nt az export-import, f?mipar, faipar, gy?rt?kapacit?s lek?t?s, befektet?s, vegyesv?llalat alap?t?s profilj?ban.
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