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Found 27 results for the keyword akhenaten. Time 0.010 seconds.
The reforms of AkhenatenThe Aten or 'Sun-Disc' rose from near obscurity to the state god of Egypt in a very short time. The artistic representation of the Aten is that of a sun disc emanating rays of light with hands on the ends of the rays
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Electric Egyptology | GodElectric.orgEgyptian hieroglyphs are sacred carvings from heaven, special characteristics of the animals and plants on Earth explain functions and natural principles of the Universe.
Amentet | GodElectric.orgAmentet is the Electrostatic Negative Charge Collector Supporting Strong Electric Field.
Ammit | GodElectric.orgAmmit explains the Z Pinch as the underlying mechanism of an Electric Star.
Anput | GodElectric.orgHieroglyphs read Female attribute negative charge electric field resonant wave collector . The female equivalent of Anubis, because she is part of the circuit defining the flow of oscilating/resonant negative charge col
Anuket | GodElectric.orgAnuket is the negative charge monopole operating frequency.
Bat | GodElectric.orgBat is female and therefore represents part of the circuitry that provides the nourishment of negative charge in the cosmos. Her hieroglyphs that describe the function of the Sistrum as negative charge scavenged power, i
Hathor | GodElectric.orgHathor has defensive horns symbolizing the protection of the heliospheric plasma sheath.
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