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Found 38 results for the keyword afforestation. Time 0.007 seconds.
Afforestation is the establishment of a forest or stand of trees in an area where there was no forest. Reforestation is the reestablishment of forest cover, either naturally (by natural seeding, coppice, or root suckers) or artificially (by direct seeding or planting). -- Wikipedia Partners | INVIS | ICT Solutions | Multimedia Content | Sustainable LiINVIS Private Limited plays a significant role in furthering concepts like afforestation through a partnership with Crowd foresting and the digital conservation of the cultural diversity of India through Natyasutra and C
remove carbon from the air - GifyuIt is essential to remove carbon from the air to combat global warming. Methods like reforestation and afforestation involve planting trees to absorb CO2. But they are vulnerable to forest fires. Carbon capture and stor
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About Foundation | SamyamaSAMYAMA FOUNDATION is a Not-for-Profit Charitable Trust, registered under the Indian Trust Act-1882, in the month of June 2019, founded by MahaYogi Madhukarji Maa Aditiji located in Bangalore-India, with the followi
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Hydroelectricity - WikipediaChina added 24 GW in 2022, accounting for nearly three-quarters of global hydropower capacity additions. Europe added 2 GW, the largest amount for the region since 1990. Meanwhile, globally, hydropower generation increas
Arborist - WikipediaPruning should only be done with a specific purpose in mind. Every cut is a wound, and every leaf lost is removal of photosynthetic potential. Proper pruning can be helpful in many ways, but should always be done with th
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