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An Archive Of Helpful Adages | Marilyn PerryExperience teaches that this advice is both figurative and literal. Consequently every well equipped household should include a sewing machine, and people who know how to use it.
Murphy's law - WikipediaMurphy's law a is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. .
Welcome to The Dictionary of ClichésExplore thousands of unique clichés and common expressions in the most comprehensive and entertaining language reference available.
Marilyn Perry | Welcome to the nerd age of humankindMarilyn Perry - Marilyn Perry s personal website. Welcome to the nerd age of humankind.
Marilyn Perry | Contact MarilynMarilyn Perry - Contact Marilyn - Simply complete the form below to contact me. Because of internet email spammers, the math captcha question below has become a necessity. Thank you. -
Photo Galleries | Marilyn PerryWelcome to the nerd age of humankind ™.
Marilyn Perry | Marilyn Perry's Nutritional RegimenMarilyn Perry - Marilyn Perry s Nutritional Regimen - Please note that the article below is completely deprecated and outdated. The nutritional regimen described in this article is currently irrelevant. The nutritional r
Marilyn's Cursory Cogitations | Marilyn PerryThe articles below are just a few collected, and chronically arranged, ruminations on a wide range of topics, published here with occasional irregularity. This collection of ruminations is just getting started for now, b
Website Content Timeline | Marilyn PerryIt is better to be hated for who you are, than to be loved for who you are not.
Marilyn Perry's Words of the Week | Marilyn PerryHere is a growing list of unusual vocabulary, terms, and terminology, discovered while living everyday and while browsing the internet's worldwide web, reading curious sources of information and opinion where such words
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