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Found 17 results for the keyword acads. Time 0.007 seconds.
ACADS (or SCAD) is a gene associated with short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency. -- Wikipedia ACADS-BSG | Software for Building Services DesignersACADS-BSG is a leading building services design software firm. We aim to provide building services designers with the software to design and check services.
Heat Load, Cooling Load, Psychrometric Calculator - CAMEL+ | ACADSBSGCAMEL+ is a leading air conditioning load estimation software provided by ACADS-BSG which calculates heating and cooling loads.
Mechanical and Electrical Building Management Solutions SoftwareACADS-BSG has been the market leader in the development and support of mechanical and electrical building management solutions software.
Duct Pressure Drop Calculator Software | Dolphin | ACADS-BSGDuct pressure drop calculation Software DOLPHIN is used for calculating the pressure loss of a series of ducts and fittings enabling a user to determine the required fan pressure for a duct network.
Air Conditioning Duct Design Software, Ductwork System Program, DonkeyAir conditioning duct design software DONKEY provided by ACADS-BSG is the leading ductwork system program, which carries out a complete acoustical analysis.
Estimating Air Conditioning Loads In Small Buildings | KoalaKOALA is a program for estimating air conditioning loads in small buildings. Designed for working on the installation of air conditioning units in buildings
Hydraulic Analysis of Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Systems | Sprink1000SPRINK-1000 used to analyse automatic fire sprinkler systems with a simple end, side or centre fed configuration or more complicated looped and gridded systems designed.
Noise Control Software In and Around Buildings | WombatNoise Control Software WOMBAT performs a series of octave and/or 1/3rd octave band acoustical calculations for various sound transmission problems in and around buildings.
Lift Design Software for Commercial Buildings | LlamaLift Design Software LLAMA allows a designer to obtain a quick but accurate indication of the possible lift configurations that may be suitable for use in commercial buildings.
Condenser Water Piping Systems Software | PythonAir conditioning hot and chilled water systems design software PYTHON is a windows-based program providing analysis of hot and chilled water, closed and open loop systems.
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