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Found 54 results for the keyword abolitionist. Time 0.006 seconds.
SWLA Abolitionists: Passionate group ofSWLA Abolitionists: A group dedicated to fighting human trafficking and spreading awareness in southwest Louisiana.
Cosmic Anarchy | Ayesha Khan, Ph.D. | SubstackThe abolitionist, decolonized medicine guide + collectivist care toolkit to build community, unplug from capitalism, ground in culture our ecosystems to fight for collective liberation
New Bedford, Massachusetts - WikipediaThe late 18th century was a time of growth for the town. A small whale fishery developed, as well as modest international trade. In the 1760s, between the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution, shipwrights, carpen
The Fabric of Our Nation: A Nineteenth-Century Night Shirt Reveals theCommemoration, commerce, and complex social connections combined to dictate the paths and diversions of this obscure object and others.
“Nativity Gives Citizenship”: Teaching Antislavery Constitutionalism tAs a teacher, the Black convention movement in the 1850s has helped me to broaden my story of the origins of the Civil War, especially the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to focusing too heavily on the controversy over s
Banneker’s Answer to Jefferson: “I Am an..(Fal 23,Vol:68 Issue:7)The black naturalist, astronomer, surveyor, and almanac-writer Benjamin Banneker took issue with Thomas Jefferson’s attitude toward “those of my complexion.”
Johns Hopkins University - WikipediaSince the 1910s, Johns Hopkins University has famously been a fertile cradle to Arthur Lovejoy's history of ideas. 43
Brooklyn - WikipediaHowever, the East River shore was growing too fast for the three-year-old infant City of Williamsburg; it, along with its Town of Bushwick hinterland, was subsumed within a greater City of Brooklyn in 1855, subsequently
Black History Timeline - Blacklatterdaysaints.orgFirst African Slaves Arrive in What Would Become the United States
William Tecumseh Sherman - WikipediaGeneral Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always. 149
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