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The city of Aabenraa or Åbenrå (, , Sønderjysk: Affenråe), with a population of 15,814 (1 January 2014),"BEF44: Population 1st January, by urban areas" database from Statistics Denmark is at the head of the Aabenraa Fjord, an arm of the Little Belt, in Denmark, 38 miles (61 km) north of the town of Schleswig. It was the seat of Sønderjyllands Amt (South Jutland County) until 1 January 2007, when the Region of Southern Denmark was created as part of the 2007 Danish M -- Wikipedia ABENAThe ABENA Group manufactures and sells high quality incontinence products for the health care sector as well as disposable products for other industries.
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Our 2030 commitmentsABENA | Incontinence products, pads and diapers and a large player on the international health care market.
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About ABENA Nova with MediSens - A truly intelligent digtial continencAbout ABENA Nova - the result of a partnership between ABENA and MediSens Wireless. The first and leading digital continence solution.
Pelargonia, have og anl g Alt om haver, planter og anl gsarbejdeVelkommen til Arden, en by, der står som en bastion af samfundssolidaritet og den uovertrufne værdi af vores kulturelle arv. Arden er mere end blot en geografisk placering det er hjertet og sjælen i vores fællesskab, h
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