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Found 14 results for the keyword 40mpa. Time 0.005 seconds.
Carbon Fiber Cylinders, High pressure 300 bar Air Compressors,HuntingFully wrapped Carbon fiber Air Cylinders, 300 bar High pressure Air Compressors, Hunting Products
Carbon Fiber Cylinders, High pressure 300 bar Air Compressors,HuntingFully wrapped Carbon fiber Air Cylinders, 300 bar High pressure Air Compressors, Hunting Products
rubber melt pump,rubber pump melt pump - Batteproduct description: The rubber melt pump is used for the elastomer and the easily degradable plastic extrusion system. This type of pump adopts the special internal structure and has an efficient self-cleaning function.
Air Compressor,China Screw Air Compressor ManufacturerXin Ran is China air compressor manufacturer. Oil lubed and oiless lubed are two main types of air compressor's pump. Our product is in various types including screw air compressor, oil free air compressor, piston air co
Chemical gear pump for reaction kettle,polymer extrusion reactor dischChemical gear pump for reaction kettle also called polymer extrusion reactor discharge pumps. Chemical reactor gear pumps are widely used for production of monomers, oligomers, and other applications.
Small Precast Concrete Plunge Pool | Pool Garden Design - Sydney | NorSmall Precast Concrete Plunge Pool
Large Precast Concrete Plunge Pool | Pool Garden Design - Sydney | NorLarge Precast Concrete Plunge Pool
Rectangle Precast Concrete Plunge Pool | Pool Garden Design - Sydney |Rectangle Precast Concrete Plunge Pool
thermoplastic melt pump, mlet pump for extrusion,pump melt ge - thermoThe ZB-B series extruder dedicated metering pump is a universal metering pump used in electric heating extrusion systems. Suitable for extrusion and transportation of polymer melts from low viscosity to extremely high vi
thermoplastic extrusion pump, thermoplastic melt pump manufac - thermoMelt pump for thermoplastic materials, suitable for extrusion and transportation of thermoplastic high viscosity polymer melts; Generally installed between the outlet of the extruder and the die head, used as a metering
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