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Found 39 results for the keyword 3da. Time 0.006 seconds.
3DA was an alliance formed between The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) and Hewlett Packard (HP) in September 1995. Its purpose was to unify SCO's OpenServer product, UnixWare (newly acquired from Novell), and HP-UX from HP; the resulting product would then become the de facto Unix standard for both existing x86 systems and the upcoming IA-64 processor architecture from Intel. -- Wikipedia 3DA HomeSpecializing in the field of architectural visualization, automotive design and product illustration. An online portal and community for professional illustrators.
3DA HomeSpecializing in the field of architectural visualization, automotive design and product illustration. An online portal and community for professional illustrators.
Exterior Architectural Renderings - 3DAS™ Architectural VisualizationExterior architectural renderings of projects by 3DAllusions Studio.
Max MR MaterialsMental Ray materials for Autodesk 3DS Max/Viz
Xtra ShadersShaders not spedific to program.
Material LabsDefault scenes for members to setup materials.
Maya MR MaterialsMental Ray materials for Autodesk Maya
Max fR MaterialsfinalRender materials for Autodesk 3DS Max.
Xtra TexturesTexture sets without material file for easy creation of material files.
XSI MR MaterialsMental Ray materials for Softimage XSI
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