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Found 126 results for the keyword 1870s. Time 0.008 seconds.
The 1870s continued the trends of the previous decade, as new empires, imperialism and militarism rose in Europe and Asia. The United States was recovering from the American Civil War. -- Wikipedia No TitlePlease contact our support team for further assistance.
Fort Moultrie - Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie National Historical ParkFort Moultrie was modernized in the 1870s. Newer, larger cannon were installed, magazines and bombproofs were built of thick concrete and then buried under tons of earth to absorb the explosion of heavy shells.
William Tecumseh Sherman - WikiquoteAll the congresses on earth can’t make the negro anything else than what he is; he must be subject to the white man… Two such races cannot live in harmony save as master and slave. 1
Antique Picture FramesA collection of Antique Picture Frames and information about them. Also a gift shop of antique frames for sale.
Electrical Technology - All About Electrical Electronic EngineeringAll About Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology - Electrical Wiring, Power System, Control, Automation, Machines, Q-A, Motors, How To
Charleston, South Carolina - WikipediaBetween the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, Charleston experienced an economic boom, at least for the top strata of society. Expanding cotton as a cash crop in the South led to massive wealth for a small segment of
Simi Valley, California - WikipediaThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where the former president was buried in 2004, is in Simi Valley. 11
Oakland, California - WikipediaIn 1980, Oakland's Black population reached its 20th-century peak at approximately 47% of the overall city population. 65
How to Reuse Salvaged Wood - Fine HomebuildingLearn how to reuse salvaged lumber in your renovation projects. Assess the quality of the wood and develop a plan for incorporating it into the design.
Vintage New York City Photos: Classic Images Old PicturesExplore NYC s transformation over 250 million years, from its origins in Pangea to becoming the world s most famous and dynamic city today
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