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Found 733 results for the keyword 1864. Time 0.008 seconds.
Http:/ Shopware Unable Please HttpHttp:/ Shopware Unable Please Http Erfahrung Vergleich Testbericht Bewertung
The Siege of Petersburg Online Beyond the CraterThe Siege of Petersburg Online is shares information on the neglected Siege of Petersburg aka The Petersburg-Richmond Campaign, fought during the American Civil War from 1864-1865. Famous battles include the Battle of Pe
OffensivesThe term offensives will often be used at Beyond the Crater. Benjamin Butler was responsible for the first offensive against the city of Petersburg which ended with The Battle of Old Men and Young Boys on June 9, 1864.
William Tecumseh Sherman - WikiquoteAll the congresses on earth can’t make the negro anything else than what he is; he must be subject to the white man… Two such races cannot live in harmony save as master and slave. 1
William Tecumseh Sherman - WikipediaGeneral Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always. 149
Petersburg Siege NewspapersNewspapers of the Civil War era provide a fascinating glimpse into how the public perceived what was happening as major events unfolded. Much more so than today, newspapers contained the bias of their editor, so keep thi
Official RecordsThese pages and sub-pages contain reports and correspondence which can be found in the Petersburg-specific volumes of The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. T
FootnotesAs you read through the infromation presented at Beyond the Crater, be on the lookout for footnotes like the one at the end of this sentence.[1. Example Footnote] This site will be thoroughly footnoted as I believe in s
Siege TermsThis page holds definitions of Civil War era siege terms which may not be easily recognizable to today s reader. Learning the terms here should help with understanding many areas of Beyond the Crater. Abatis One of the
AboutBeyond the Crater (BTC for short) is a web site dedicated to the digitization of the Siege of Petersburg, but also including the Bermuda Hundred Campaign and the Appomattox Campaign. This site would not exist without th
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