Search Engine Web Stats

System Status

Current time is: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:10:54 +0000

Pages in index: 1,222,545 (updated daily)
Links in index: 411,337 (updated daily)
Keywords in index: 904,233,367 (updated daily)
Unique keyphrases: 6,216,510 (updated daily)
Last new keyphrase found: undergraduate recital

Add URL queue: 2598 pages waiting in line, add your url here

10 most recent search phrases

This is what people are searching for now with the numbers being the number of times the complete search phrase has been found on the Internet

10 - 115698 times, ai - 55158 times, agile regulatory - 21 times, room planner - 29 times, room - 56949 times, for open - 1629 times, 3cmeta - 356 times, io n eg d - 36 times, remediation in - 153 times, Tamilnadu - 5481 times,

You can see the relative frequency of the 10 most recently searched keyphrases in the pie chart. Click inside the chart to lookup that keyword.

Daily Pages Indexed (New and Reindexing)

Every day our spider fetches new and old pages and updates the index to reflect the new page contents and link structure. Here's a graph of the number of pages indexed per day.

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The page count depends on system load, the length and complexity of the pages (blogs tend to consume a lot more time to index as the have a diverse collection of keywords, often as many as 2000 different keywords on a page)

Secret Search Engine Labs

web stats

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