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Annapurna Base Camp Trek | ABC Trek | Annapurna Trek | Annapurna BaseAnnapurna Base Camp is the shortest and most scenic trek in all Himalayas; where one can complete the whole journey in a week duration.
Annapurna Base Camp Trek | ABC Trek | AnnapurnaAnnapurna Base Camp trek is one of the famous trekking trails of Nepal. Pokhara, a city of lakes and the second most popular tourist destination of Nepal is the gateway to Annapurna Region.
Annapurna Base Camp Trek | Annapurna Trekking inAnnapurna Base Camp trek is a complete amalgam of adventure and beauty seared with the textures of endangered flowers and animals. Mountain ranges , namely, Mt. Gangapurna, Annapurna I, Annapurna II, Annapurna III, Annap
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