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Ronnie Trammell Realtor - Real Estate Guntersville AlbertvilleRonnie Trammell Realtor with South Towne Realtors, helps buy and sell homes, land, and commercial properties in Guntersville, Alabama. Personalized services
5501 CEDAR MILL DRIVE, Guntersville, AL 35976 MLS 21877032 ListSee details for 5501 CEDAR MILL DRIVE, Guntersville, AL 35976, 4 Bedrooms, 3 Full/1 Half Bathrooms, 2803 Sq Ft., Price: $609,900, Single Family-Detached, MLS#: 21877032, Status: Active, Courtesy: Re/Max Guntersville, Pro
2699 - 202 PADDLE WHEEL DRIVE 202, Guntersville, AL 35976 MLS 21See details for 2699 - 202 PADDLE WHEEL DRIVE 202, Guntersville, AL 35976, 2 Bedrooms, 1 Full/1 Three-Qtr Bathrooms, 1100 Sq Ft., Price: $589,900, Condo, MLS#: 21877065, Status: Active, Courtesy: Lake Guntersville Real
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