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Shop the Best Foam Soft Top Surfboards for Beginners Rock-Explore the premium foam surfboards and soft top surfboards at Rock-It Surf. Perfect for beginners and pros, our durable, stylish boards include 8ft soft tops, longboard soft tops, and more. Start your surfing journey to
Mid Length Rock-It SurfWe categorize our 7 and 8 boards as mid-length sized, although the 8 is often also considered a longboard so we post in in both categories. The 8 Big Softy is one of the original Rock-It boards amp; the best one
Shortboards Rock-It SurfRock-It started in 2015 originally with the goal of designing better beginner surfboards for kids. Our original Albert Fish was the template...younger kids don t need 8 boards to surf on, so something in the 5-6 range
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