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Contact - Cornerstone-Edu - Continuing Education for AuctioneersYou are not on our website if you’re not interested to know about Cornerstone-edu Professional Auctioneer Continuing Education learning system. By the time you reach this page, you have already read the Cornerstone advan
James Drury - Cornerstone-Edu - Continuing Education for AuctioneersMr. Drury has been a licensed CE instructor for Real Estate in Illinois since 2011. He has taught real estate auction courses and most recently has been teaching Negotiation Skills for the Real Estate Negotiation Instit
Our Advantage - Cornerstone-Edu - Continuing Education for AuctioneersAuctioneering is a time-honored profession, but as an auctioneer you know that fast, clear speech and a loud voice are not enough to keep you on that platform with your gavel.
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