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Callao Salvaje property for saleCallao Salvaje enjoys the most recorded sunshine hours of any other resort on the Island, with an average monthly temperature of 24.7 degrees celcius.
New Listings | Callao Salvaje PropertyTenerife Business Services C.C. Nº.1 Urb. Sueño Azul 38677, Adeje, Tenerife Email: Telephone: 0034 822 71 60 79 Mobile: 0034 615 396 556, 0034 634 300 303
Callao Salvaje Property | Callao Salvaje Estate AgentsTenerife Business Services is a well established Estate Agency that opened in Callao Salvaje in 1994 dealing with property sales in Tenerife. The business has been established for over 20 years in the town of Callao Sa
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