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Boomerang for Gmail: Send email later or receive it when you wantTNW Quick Hit Boomerang for Gmail lets you control when you send and receive emails. Love It: Scheduled sends. Get email when you need it. No more cluttered inbox. Hate It: It’s 3rd party, so you can’t get it via the Chr
Dear Gmail Labs, Part II - The Rise of Boomerang - The New York TimesAfter wishing for a tweak to Gmail that would repost received messages at later dates, Boomerang, a free Gmail plug-in, offers to do that and a whole lot more.
Dear Gmail Labs, Part II - The Rise of Boomerang - The New York TimesAfter wishing for a tweak to Gmail that would repost received messages at later dates, Boomerang, a free Gmail plug-in, offers to do that and a whole lot more.
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